a lesson in gratitude all in one day

It’s delivery day; up-n-at-‘em early-thirty to be on the road before the sun comes up.  Meeting customers along the route is invigorating, motivating us to keep producing healthy, delicious food to be served on tables across Oklahoma.  Designated stop-spots along the course lend opportunities for conversations to abound and relationships to develop.  Along the way we meet considerate, compassionate, gentle folks in a world where such characteristics often go  unreported by media and ignored by hard hearts. Perhaps it is because the change-of-seasons has awakened my senses, or maybe, just maybe, the expectancy of Thanksgiving caused me to be intentionally thankful.  The reason fades into the background as words and deeds take center stage. None-the-less, this day has been exceptional as outlined in this condensed list of today’s experience.  

·        Committed customer meets John around sun-up. 

·        Customers arrived ahead of schedule to help John be timely to his next stop.  

·        A fireman arrived at a pick-up point in his firetruck – oh wow, that was a first!

·        There were lines at the pick-up locations, yet folks were patient and gracious. 

·        Customers helped sort orders, passing packages to others.

·        Some customers wore shoes; some customer chose barefoot – kids 😊

·        Because flowers have fallen victim to frost, John was presented a bouquet of leaves. 

·        A dog rode to the pick-up location with his owner; the dog wears goggles – another first!

·        Customers commented on how excited they are to get their beef orders.

·        Passerbys stopped to find out why all the commotion – generating interest.

·        A customer was delayed due to an appointment; she drove an additional 22 miles to make sure she got her beef.

·        Customers took pictures to later post on social media, sharing their experiences.

·        It was humbling to see familiar faces; it was exhilarating to see new faces.

·        Smiles shared; handshakes given; greetings spoken; well-wishes imparted.

·        At the last stop the trailer had a flat; two gentlemen helped change the tire, getting John back on the trail to the farm.

·        Customer emailed to ask if John made it safely home. 

 Thoughtfulness's and kindness's - more than we can count.  We are heartwarmingly reminded of a quote from public speaker and writer, William Arthur Ward, who nailed it when he wrote, "gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”  

With Overwhelming Gratitude,


What in the World … of Wheat